
Tender Announcement Maintenance of Shuwaiha Water Station

TAKAFUL ALSHAMSun, Sep 1, 2024

TAKAFUL ALSHAM Organization (TAS) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization, working in the humanitarian field regardless of religion, ethnicity, or political view. TAKAFUL ALSHAM is committed to the core standards for humanitarian work for organizations (SPHRE). TAKAFUL ALSHAM contributes to the collective work of humanitarian response in Syria, by providing support to people affected by the conflict and reducing the burden on the shoulder of the hosting community through provisions of financial and in-kind support and laying the foundation for sustainable projects in order to increase the resilience of individuals of communities in the field of food security, non-food items and FSL, NFI, Education, Protection, WASH, Nutrition Early Recovery and Livelihoods in Both Camps and Off-Camps camps.

Takaful Al-Sham Organization seeks to contract with – Maintenance of the Shweiha Water Station and expansion of the network according to the attached BoQ and the attached book of conditions and technical specifications

Maintenance of the Shweiha Water Station and expansion of the network according to the attached BoQ and the attached book of conditions and technical specifications

Submission of offers:

Offers shall be submitted in a closed and sealed envelope by each bidder, containing two envelopes as follows:

The first envelope: all documents and proofs related to the bidder or company and the technical offer In addition to all the papers required for the evaluation

The second envelope: includes the detailed prices shown in US dollars signed by the bidder/company

For companies and entities wishing to implement and deliver the materials or services mentioned, please follow the below link to download the tender files:

The offers shall be delivered in a sealed envelope on which the name of the bidder/company is written and the contact number (phone – email) at the Takaful Al Sham offices mentioned in the ITB on 20/08/2024.

For any questions: please contact us at the following email mentioning the number of purchase requests in the subject line # (PR-SY14-5.1.3-01): [email protected] and all the questions related to the tender shall be directed via email.



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